11 Jan Mandala Monday n.2 – Free design to download, print and colour

Hello Squirrels! Another week, another free Mandala design for you. Did you miss the first one? Fear not, you can still download it from last week’s post.
Did I mention that I never make preparatory sketches for my Mandala designs?
It sounds crazy, I know, but it’s just how my inner squirrel creative process works, I just start drawing and then let my hand and imagination take me where it may, which usually leads to interesting results like oh look, a sparrow, I wonder if it’s going to snow tomorrow and now I want pizza this new colouring Mandala design.
To document the madness process I decided to shoot a video of me drawing the Mandala instead of colouring it like in the previous one, check out the video below!
I hope you enjoy this week’s Mandala design and don’t forget there’s another one coming next week, so thanks for reading, and see you soon!
Bye Squirrels!
x Sara x
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