05 Jan Mandala Monday N.1
In this 2021 I would love to add more Mandala to my routine, as drawing and colouring them is a great way for me to relax. I want to share them with you, so that you too can take some time off your busy day,...
In this 2021 I would love to add more Mandala to my routine, as drawing and colouring them is a great way for me to relax. I want to share them with you, so that you too can take some time off your busy day,...
Watercolour illustration inspired by the Tall Ship Festival in Greenwich. Winsor&Newton watercolour and white guache. ...
Quick coloured pencils sketch from my personal sketchbook, study for an illustration. ...
Children watercolour illustration of a nocturnal magic garden. Winsor&Newton watercolours and black ballpoint pen....
Watercolour illustration that I created to depict my difficulties on learning English with ADHD, when I relocate to the UK from Italy. Winsor&Newton watercolours and ballpoint pen...
Watercolour illustration exercise, based on the tutorial from Linda Ravenscroft's book "How to draw and paint fairies" italian edition (title of the book used: "Disegnare e dipingere i mondi delle fate") Maimeri Watercolour on Fabriano paper. ...
Watercolour illustrations concepts for an italian nursery called "Asibello" (their mascot is a donkey as the locality name comes from that animal). The first image is the chosen illustration for the logo, while the second is the first draft....
Concept illustration for a children book. Winsor&Newton watecolours, watercolour pencils and ballpoint pen....
A children illustration in response to the November 2015 Paris attacks, to remind that love has no borders. Watercolour: Winsor&Newton, paper: Daler Rowney 300gsm Hot pressed...
Illustration made for the weekly challenge run by the Italian website "Io Disegno a modo mio", a collective of artists, amateurs or just people who are passionate about drawing as a hobby. You can find the submissions at this link. (Contest run on 6 November 2013) Watercolour Maimeri...